• A24, an independent film studio, is like Weinstein or Focus but for the millenial set: their output possesses an edge and an immediacy that isn’t seen very often these days in the film production landscape. "Good Time," which debuted this morning, is the latest film out of this studio. In the Ben and Josh Safdie-directed “Good Time,” about a bank robbery gone wrong, I saw Lou Reed’s New York. The city lay under cover of darkness, full of danger

  • Is social media a waste of time, as David Remnick said? Maybe so. But Twitter, Instagram and the rest make keeping up with other people's lives easy and free. Where the Cannes festivalgoer is concerned, a spur-of-the-moment video on Instagram by a filmmaker can potentially add insight into what they're experiencing. At the same time, it's important not to lose touch of the fact that social media is often as vapid as it is useless

  • One of the best things about Tribeca (this film premiered at the 2017 Tribeca Festival recently) are the more character-driven independent films that get screened there. One example of this is “My Art,” written, directed and starring Laurie Simmons. Simmons of course falls into that underrated category of “Female Director” that thankfully Tribeca recognizes more and more each year. The story of the film revolves around “Ellie"