• When Brock Turner was handed down a sentence of just six months in prison for a sexual assault case that occurred on the Stanford University campus in 2015, a collective outrage at the light sentence eventually led to a successful recall campaign against the judge who decided the case, Aaron Persky.  Many activists, especially those who decried a wealthy white man such as Turner punished so lightly, cheered—at least, at first.  The fallout from

  • Strange times we're living in. The battles that are being fought today, from gay marriage to the decriminalization--wait, legalization--of cannabis are far removed from me, and, I suspect, from a lot of other people. And yet the first one presents a vital issue for men and women everywhere and the second has been causing much head a-scratching. Smoking weed is a repugnant habit best shedded as quickly as possible in life, but prudent legalization (small amounts for personal use) is