Chris Tucker in “Intouchables” ?

Last Updated: November 15, 2012By Tags: , ,

Here’s one that was easy to predict. After the huge success of “Intouchables” in France and following its semi-successful international rollout, the film is going to be remade here, too. Released just last year, the film has taken beaucoup B.O. bucks (400M at last count). Yup, that’s got Hollywood salivating.

Here are the names which have been confirmed for the American remake: Colin Firth for the role of the wealthy wheelchair-bound man and Paul Feig to helm it. Remains to be seen who’s going to play the black nursing aide, who’s central to the story (French comedic actor Omar Sy, pictured at right below, held the role in the original movie).

The names of Chris Rock (“2 days in New York”), Idris Elba (“Prometheus,” “Luther”) and Jamie Foxx (“Django Unchained”) have been thrown around, as has that of Chris Tucker’s. The latter has stated having seen the movie in an interview with and being in talks with the producers of the remake. Tucker added: “I hope this [the negotiations] will lead somewhere because I really liked the original film. There is a chance that it can be done.”

One thing’s for sure, if Chris Tucker gets attached there’s a very strong chance that the “Intouchables” remake will jumpstart his career, which has been stuck on neutral ever since “Rush Hour 3.”

Tucker’s got Screen Comment’s vote. We’re fans of Elba’s but just don’t see him in that role, one that requires a specific comedic sparkle which he lacks in, and which Tucker has loads of.

(photo mashup by Ali Naderzad)

See our other articles about “Intouchables”:

Will “Intouchables” go to the Oscars?

Weinstein Co. sets up remake

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